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Hi, I'm Kaya 

I warmly welcome you to my site, where I offer the portal for my services and a glimpse into what’s alive in my world.

The Womb Continuum
Plant Consciousness
Rites of Passage 

Circular Brush stroke

I am here to guide you in descending into your dark inner depths, and rise into the light of your own unique being, in connection with nature, and all of its sentientness, in loving relationship with your sacred body.


I use ritual, ceremony, potions, elixirs, essences, guided movement, loving touch, nervous system regulation and resourcing, deep listening, and loving presence to support and empower you on your path of sovereignty and embodiment. 

Read my story here: 



I weave my service from somatic embodiment, intuitive movement, plant consciousness, herbalism, vibrational medicine, sound, nature therapy, master plant dietas, contemporary alchemy, ancestral connections, traditional birthwork, pre- and perinatal psychology, the menstrual mysteries and fertility awareness. Woven together with the experience and wisdom from reconciling my own path and navigating life from my being and body, with all the connections and relationships I hold, with humans, plants and other beings. It all comes together in communion. 

Explore my offerings: 

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By consciously consecrating our lives, births and deaths, gently witnessing and fiercely loving the sovereign beings we are, we can surrender in trust and allow presence to initiate us into wild grace again and again.

I am devoted to the Earth, guided by her cycles and beings.
My path is that of listening to the deep rhythms of life and death. 


I apprentice directly with my wise and patient body. 

With my own inner seasons, waves and cycles. 


I believe we all hold the keys and codes we need and long for. 

To reconcile and integrate the past, and lovingly give birth to the future. 


I am enchanted and ignited by the mystery we are all part of

And dedicated to showing up and greeting what I am given with love. 

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